This idea proposal takes it starting point from the built environment in Høje Gladsaxe and adresses the question of how we can rethink the neighbourhood for generations, to create space for interaction and strengthen the local community.
Høje Gladsaxe is a residential area in the outskirts of Copenhagen built in the 1960’s. It is a showcase example of the modernistic architecture and planning ideals, of what back then was a promise of the future and higher living standards - today is an area where the architecture itself is creating difficulties to create a safe and lively neighbourhood. It is time to bring back the human scale to these neighbourhoode, to create a built environment that can facilitate meetings between residents through generations.
This proposal is named “The Frontyards of Høje Gladsaxe” and is exploring how the existing premises can be transformed to strenghten the local community and create a neighbourhood for generations.
Honourable mention
10 000 m2
Hanna Johansson, Juras Lasovsky

Site photos The area of Høje Gladsaxe has a very linear structure with more than half a kilometer long axis starting in the local center and continuing along the high residential blocks. The functions of the area are strictly divided into separated zones.

Idea Høje Gladsaxe has an extremely linear built environment with long monotonous facades that low has no interaction with people passing by. There is a significant scale difference between the tall residential buildings and surrounding service buildings. Around 400 parking garages provides a covered parking space for approx. 20 % of the residents. A garage with a large asphalt courtyard that partly is used as an outdoor parking area. Our goal is to work with the covered garages and courtyards. A transformation of these spaces can facilitate a stronger community and interaction between the residents - new spaces, activities, community meeting points and transformed buildings are providing what is lacking today, a more human scale of the built environment.

Site Plan Different front yards themes bring different along kilometer long axis

A new typology The structure of the existing parking garages can be kept or replaced by adding a new roof that gives more spatial qualities. Different shapes of the roof will increase the diversity within the block and could help to give an identity to the different functions

Diagram Four typology of the front yards

Diagram Active ground floor brings life into Høje Gladsaxe area